Heidi Hole

Ah yes. By a certain age you should definitely have the “stick to your own race” conversation, in general, with your kids.

Did you even read the studies you linked to?

No, I was responding to this “Cause I feel like there’s a way to use that as a conversation about how 95% of the princesses are white, so you have ALL of these to choose from”

I have a hunch about this guy. I think he secretly enjoys the power he has in a dependent community, more so than staying out of a sense of service to an under served population.

He likes to stay where he knows, he’s just a little bit smarter than everyone else.

He’s much worse. He has an education and chooses to remain stupid and callous to the needs of his own patient population.

I’m having a visceral reaction to this woman having so many kids she cannot support, and this article feels like her bad choices are being romanticized. It’s not a strong and independent choice to keep having kids you can’t support. Why are these poor choices being legitimized? Condoms are so cheap! Celibacy is so

I suspect the good doctor is a flaming misogynist with a God complex, which is better served by his “heroic” efforts to deliver all these babies than it is to actually serve his patients and his community effectively.

I liked Hahn until he mentioned he doesn’t do abortions. When you’re the only gyno for miles, you don’t get to impose your beliefs on others, you just don’t.

Do you think Trump has done anything to help? It seems to me that a lot of people there rely upon social programs that republicans have been attacking for decades as a core part of their platform. Maybe neither party is good for them, but at least democrats still support funding medicare, medicaid, social security,

That really struck me. This guy is on the front lines of a failed health care system but he’ll still vote for someone who is actively trying to make it worse because emails?

So so so so so soooooooooo many people in my family said that ^ exact same thing- Trump was the “fuck you” vote in 2016

THIS. Even if they’re going to stubbornly continue to vote for fucking Republicans who don’t give two fucks about their poverty, even if they’re going to continue to be anti-abortion....why oh why oh why don’t they just use birth control? I truly do not understand.

“Trump is a son of a bitch, but I’m voting against Hillary.”

She doesn’t believe in abortions. Hahn, a father of seven children with two different wives, said he has never done an abortion and never will.

Sounds like you’re implying that misogyny isn’t a byproduct of our patriarchal society. Either that, or women aren’t strong or smart enough to be able to “fight that off”. Care to elaborate?

After 3 weeks in Austin, a community in a state of terror over the actions of a “home-schooled” Christian young man with “challenges” in the big, bad world...I am sick and fucking tired of every violent, privileged, white male asshole being treated like he’s something other than a terrorist just because he’s not

“A used condom, screaming, and porn.”

Meanwhile, us South Asian people are out here in whatever old clothes feel most comfortable asking, “yes, what even is yoga anymore?”

I’m not surprised by this shit, but it still angers me. They literally tried (and succeeded for nearly half a century) to disappear this black woman -damn near in plain sight. Look at her placement in the photo. She stands tall enough to be seen (barely) but not tall enough to be recognizable. Shorter people in the

Well, he did make her jump up and run after giving birth, so it seems legit that its her fault.