Heidi Hole

Well, the British chick who works in the cube next to me also does this, so I think we can consider it true!

Now that you mention it, I *do* notice this much more often on UK tv people/celebs than on Americans. (I’m from the US, but I watch a shit ton — or shite tonne — of British tv.)

Why the hate? I don’t get it. She’s filthy rich, so there isn’t any reason for her to stick to some career grind if she doesn’t want to. What is wrong with her trying out a lot of different things? Are we making fun of her because she’s not a huge success at any one thing? Most of us aren’t. Maybe she’s an average gal

How much more wanted and loved they will feel when she tells them that they were chosen, that they are alive because she chose not to kill them.

The father of my cousin’s children was much the same way. He eventually was killed by police during an armed robbery and left behind a number of women with young children. She continues to memorialize him; he was her first love—they started dating when she was 13 and he was 19 or 20.

Yeah, let’s make the poor take IQ tests before administering forced steriliza—heeeey, wait a minute...

*pulls off their masks, revealing eugenicists Francis Dalton and Karl Pearson, who shrug innocently at the camera*

LOL. Yeah, that is really going to work on us of the poorer demographic. Like WTF is college when you dropping out as a sophomore in high school?

Dads, having more kids will not increase your dadness. You have a fixed amount of dad, and you have to dad it equally among all your kids. Just dad a small daddable group of kids, and each kid will get more dad. That’s just sensible dadmath.

Thank you for publishing Scott’s in-uniform picture. So many other outlets purposely published less flattering photos of him. Not only did Scott not deserve to die at the hands of a crazed cop, but he deserves the respect he is due for serving our country.

Let me add on:

Please provide the statute that gives a 13 year old legal protection from her parents cutting her hair.

It’s all part of a trend here of calling out Buzzfeed for stupid minutiae, while completely ignoring the egregious shit done here.

Sure, I mean, it’s like that time when I kicked a guy square in the balls. He makes a great piss and moan about it but people always want me to look at photos of their kids playing soccer so how am I the asshole?

Don’t know if he’s a fundamentalist, but he is an extremely racist, sexist troll with a very long history of saying disgusting things about women and people of color on Gawker. Color me incredibly unsurprised that he’s a Christian.

Also, bullshit that “no one you have ever known” treats women as inferior to men. That’s just such a stupid lie. What’s the matter with you that you would even try it?

I was going to make a joke here , maybe about how this sack of shit looks like one of the War Boys from the new Mad Max movie. Well i just can’t. This whole story just gets worse and more digusting with every new development. Over on Gawker i’m already seeing Duggar backlash. Why are you still coveirng this? Move on

I can only sleep on a bed made of whipped cream, so I get it.

I teared up and cried a bit. My husband, however, ugly-sobbed his way through it. It was amazing.

Curious as to what your thoughts are on the dissolution of Yugoslavia, where fundamentalist Christians slaughtered secular Muslims. Or does that not fit your narrative? And by all means, let's dig deeper on this. My senior thesis was on the transformation of Nationalist movements in Croatia from the Croat Spring to

Considering you lump Muslims as one homogenous group, I’ll do the same for you. You are part of European and Christendom’s barbarity. If I cared about Albanian crimes, I would look it up but I rather enjoy drinks with my friends than waste my time talking to a European supremacist that can't see his religions and his