Heidi Helen

When I was writing my comment above I forgot that Brannon was a Naval Officer (he went to OCS) from '76-83 and retired as a lieutenant after 7 yrs. While that doesn't change anything I said about my father, I don't know what to think. If anyone's curious here's a link to to an article that sheds some light on his time

Bannon is a scary motherfucker. He's a self-described Leninist & when the author of the article linked below asked Brannon if he'd read an article criticizing the Tea Party by Dr. Thomas Sowell whose tactics Bannon favored, here's how he responded:
“National Review and The Weekly Standard,” he said, “are both

While I share your concern, I don't think that's entirely fair to the military. I grew up Navy — My father was a career officer, an Annapolis (class of '59) did two tours in Vietnam ('63 & '70) and retired almost 15 yrs later. We had a lot of differences of opinion, especially over politics (me a Dem & him a

Trump knows absolutely nothing about protocol whatsoever & I doubt he listens to those who do. He thinks he got a standing ovation after speaking to the CIA. WRONG. As members of a federal agency, they stand for the President until the President asks them to be seated. Trump did not do that, so everyone stood