
I have a young female coworker who is incredibly hard-working and talented, and every time we have a new executive join the company (all the executives are male, not a single one is a woman) they pull her aside after meetings to say, "you really impressed me. You're a very well-spoken young lady," as though they

Ugh. It just doesn't. I got into a Jezebel fight once (my only one) after I commented on a story like this, and someone just started running with "female bosses are the worst." It was a complete non-sequitor. Fucked up stuff.

Can you please elaborate? I really don't know what your point is (not trying to be snarky or rude...). I watch porn, and so do almost all my girlfriends. I watch it, and masturbate. What's different about this? I do wish a lot of the time porn would be shown from a woman's perspective, like how some porns follow

It's been years since I've seen Mad Men though I always enjoy reading these recaps and watching the highlights. Maybe she is worth revisiting the series for! I was really put off by January Jones' acting in the first few seasons.

Oh, I didn't realize it was so different- I was bummed when they killed Burn Gorman's character, even though he was so unlikable but Ianto's death was very hard for me. After reading utensil's review I don't think I will bother with Miracle Day after all. Thank you for the link, though!

Oh no! Yes, I thought the premise sounded wonderful, too. Seasons 1-3 are on Netflix (with closed captioning, thankfully- I do have a hard time with the Welsh accent) but I wasn't able to find Miracle Day. Okay, I will skip it then, and remember the good things about the show!

How super-cute when Sally pulls up her dress with her teeth! It's so childish and I thought it was a really nice detail to add to the moment!

I HEART YOUR TORCHWOOD REFERENCE. Now where the heck can I see Miracle Day?

Yes, I'm totally crunchy too (hence composting the boyfriend's coffee grounds- the garden loves it). I've always wondered about that plastic. I'm just glad I'm not a coffee drinker, and never ever have to choose!

Aha, okay, that makes sense.

So I totally have nothing against K-cup users- but... isn't there a lot of waste? Each of those individual cups...? I'm also not a coffee drinker, though, so maybe for people who use filters or something the K-cups produce less waste? My boyfriend uses a French press so the only waste is the coffee grounds, which we

I fucking hate when people comment on my (small) stature. The word "tiny" is my least favorite adjective used to describe me and it seems like everyone does. Channing Tatum had zero points before this and now he's in the red.

Holy shit, people... just smoke weed.

Re. Rutina Wesley: is Tara going to come back to life or something this season? And if yes, can they please bring back Jesus?

Except for the sad story of Billy the Blue Ranger, who was bullied so much on set for being gay that he left the show. :(

It sounds like IUDs are the way to go, huh! My ob/gyn told me she couldn't insert one into someone who hasn't had children, and then commenters on a Jez thread told me this was bogus. Have been to lazy/busy to see another one, but soon! Anyway, happy weekend!

My friend who took the shot had a lovely 3-month-long period. So yeah, that "no period" thing is a myth, or at least is true only for the luckiest people. She was told 3-month periods were nothing unusual.

My objection to flip-flops is pretty general, but yeah, this kind of event was inarguably the wrong venue for them.

It's not his number one fear because he won't be the one who is physically affected by the pregnancy. He won't have to have a D&C or an abortion or ultrasounds or strangers peering into his twat if I decide to terminate a pregnancy just like he won't have to experience breastfeeding or childbirth or monthly prenatal

It is sarcasm, no...?