
When I first started reading I thought this was going to be another Looper.

Other take: the Resolute is powered by the engine from the Christmas Star ship, although they don’t know how to use it very well. The J2 is now powered by the engine from the ship that crashed on “planet we never bothered to name”.

I was under the impression that the “alien ship” was the one that was sent to attack the Resolute mid-journey. The Resolute’s “engine” was made from alien tech a.k.a. the Christmas Star.

That airlock death might be the dumbest thing the show has done yet. What kind of airlock is ever built to automatically open once someone is inside of it and require a manual button-press to prevent it from opening?? Do you have any idea how many OSHA violations that involves? That airlock is a literal death trap!

Those new Chariots are really cool. I want more information about them.

Yes. I like this. When I wrote this I wasn’t thinking about the villain but that’s definitely a weakness in my proposal. I like the Hugo Strange angle and the Riddler angle because it allows for that detective angle. Or maybe, hell, it could be an adaptation of The Long Halloween. But yes, we’re in the same vibe here.

it’s because it’s recommended for a lot of diseases for which there’s no evidence it actually does anything. it’s controversial for the same reason any other alternative medicine treatment is controversial—some people might recommend its use based on anecdote, rather than on evidence. but in this case, it’s an

Patty Jenkins be walking into the Warner Bros boardroom like

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Wow. I mean, the research did find that secular adults were more likely than religious adults to accept the science behind global warming, and to support equality for women and gay people. That isn't a notion or stereotype, it was based on research. If you aren't aware or won't accept that many branches of religion

Your voice is heard, all the time. It's the dominant one in this country.