
Eh, Lando wanting to be left alone was different than Dj’s cynical “both sides” view of the conflict.

I’m not saying it’s impossible to write an arc that pulls him back around...but it would have to be one heck of an arc, or a full on deux machina of “he’s actually a super undercover spy” thing, or something similar.

DJ’s character is against the entire war-machine’s existence, just surviving and staying out of it all. Hence the name “Don’t Join”.

Why would someone who believes that bankroll the Resistance?

You should feel insulted by JJ Abrams’ short-sighted “mystery box” storytelling; which set up a metric ton of grand mysteries that were going to be impossible to resolve in a satisfying way.

Johnson just ripped the band-aid off a bunch of them. Some, like Snoak’s backstory, didn’t matter and were dismissed (did the

While I always kind of hoped that Rey was a Kenobi...I genuinely think being a “nobody” is better for the story.

Also, it’d be a huge shame if they retcon of Kylo lying about her parents. As a character, Kylo has been wonderfully earnest. He’s conflicted, sure, but he’s never shown interest in maneuvering of that

Demolition Man is a movie I constantly tell people is amazing. It’s got smart satire blended so well with it’s perfectly stereotypical 90's action comedy that it’s like one of those stare-until-you-see-it 3d images.

One it pops out at ya, it can’t be unseen.


Do we see Valkyrie’s bedroom at some point? I don’t recall it, but admittedly may have missed it. If not, then that “few seconds” shot would almost certainly require a some separate scene to establish (as viewers) where we are and why we’re there. Just were would that scene go?

She clearly had a female lover in the

If you’re “particularly interested in mankind’s efforts to explore/harness gravitational waves”...then you probably should want more attention given to politics, since the anti-science conservatives currently in charge of the Government are much more of a hindrance to progress in that area of study than any budgetary

1. It’s a nice thought, but it ain’t happening with a Republican-led government.

2. Climate change and the inevitable shoddy rebuilding job ahead think it’s cute you think this event is “once in a lifetime.”

Where’s the disagreement?

What you just said:
“I don’t think the onus should be on actors to [stand up for civil rights].”
I mean, you’re welcome to that opinion.
I know many actors, and absolutely understand that financial security in hollywood is fleeting and rare. Guess what, it’s even MORE fleeting and rare for minorities.
—Writers need to

Nope, your post is nothing more than a straw-man “reverse-racism” argument...which is nonsense.

A whole lot of white actor/actresses feeling some serious burn right now...

Good for him. Hollywood whitewashing is a team effort, and every link that chain needs to start taking responsibility.

ffs. The whole reason I was excited about the spin-offs, and one of their key selling points, was that they could tell different stories in the universe without being bogged down in the main-line lore. They could take more risks on story and tone, since it wouldn’t have to be carried over from film to film.

I believe Littlefinger only said “chaos is a ladder” to Varys.

Single Payer. Problem solved.

Instead of guessing and wasting everyone’s time, you might try actually doing a bit of research and posting a comment valuable to the discussion.

Thing is, “casual use” is exactly where it’s gonna do the most damage.

As if things go viral on twitter, facebook, etc. only after rigid inspection to ensure an accurate account of reality?

Note at the bottom of the chart that addresses that.

I really like these...I just wish they were half the size. Put next to each other, they’d measure 4.5-feet wide by 3.3-feet tall.