
No need to get your panties in a wad. Jezebel is that way -> This is Deadspin last I checked. Yes, I am only half-heartedly joking as my own previous experience, while anecdotal, skews toward my original notion. Also, I doubt she has a class with Bruce-as this is the SEC we're talking about....

What is the big deal, do you think female trainers are there to earn "real world" practice for a future in medicine? No, they are usually glorified jersey chasers. Flip this around with women's sports and male trainers and you could theoretically hear all Jezzies call out "knee toucher" in protest....

Nice, I grew up near Three Floyds. Great brew. Their Dreadnaught is pure nectar...

Good to see someone recognize (As a 6'3" midfielder who played rough with sprinter speed, the meme is extra special to me)...

Haterz gonna hate.

Go on...

and the Seattle renaissance of good music minus fucking Nirvana....

Funny story from the weekend. We went to a party in Castle Pines and it was rumored Peyton Manning lived down the street from our host. About 15 kids went out to find him. It turned out it was Brandon Stokley's house instead who had signed 8x10 glossys waiting for them. I am sure the third rate slot reciever was more

But the Pumpkins are the teen angst of Gen X, NOT Gen Y