
joke all you want but that's the first legitimately interesting thing they've put out in over 20 years

The weird thing is they used to be self aware. There's another doc called Metallimania from the early 90s right before they got all up their own asses,  that was way more self-critical and actually intentionally funny. The Madonna cameo is bizarre.

And speaking of Jon Dette (who is really good) he's filling in for Charlie Benante in Anthrax, which has basically been Charlie and Scott Ian plus whichever hired guns are the lowest bidder for going on two decades.

The best part is his siblings had to cut him off because he'd pissed away his part of the inheritance and was well on his way to destroying theirs.

Or the space hood.

prometh-th-th-th-th-azine is a hell of a drug

There's also a ton of absolutely dreadful Americana/nu-folk judging by NPR's Back Porch Music.

Malingerer: It's not that the songwriters are worse, it's that Nashville is very specific about their formula because that's what their audience expects.

Or in the case of Chely Wright just plain closeted for a long time for financial and career reasons.

Yeah but she's cute so she can get away with it.

It's little more than an ofay minstrel show.

And Billy Joe Shaver is the king of moving on and looking back on the heartbreak with wry humor.

It kinda is a costume and novelty act. It's metal's equivalent of Civil War re-enactors.

And it's the closest thing to a Mr. Bungle reunion that'll ever happen.

The best thing he's done in forever is his vocals on Secret Chiefs 3's cover of Jacques Brel's La Chanson de Jacky

SouthofHeaven: pretty sure Faith No More set him up financially for life.

Nah the appeal to dingbat fundies for Zionism goes back before WWII.


The three Melvins albums Atlantic put out were really good though.

It was the early early 90s. Dames like that were all the rage.