Roll call: who originally misread this as “Kevin Millar” and was thoroughly confused?
Roll call: who originally misread this as “Kevin Millar” and was thoroughly confused?
+1 sacrificed fried chicken
There’s a Clerks reference in this story somewhere with that number.
Friday my bf and I went to Chipotle. He always asks for extra cheese, and is similarly disappointed. Well this time the girl behind the counter took both hands, grabbed massive amounts of cheese and dumped it on the burrito. Twice. I guess I looked surprised when she did it because she said "The man asked for extra…
Two steals. No error.
I know I'm either going to get ignored or flamed, but I've got to get this off my chest: this whole Pinkman is a racist thing reeks of a witch hunt by readers who have nothing better to do but be self righteous and angry. I won't defend what he said, and I agree that it's not cool. I've also seen postings that are…
First Responder: Stay still, sir. I’m going to ask you a few questions.
“Simmons covers so much ground”
Gotta make sure the penis is still there. Big part of baseball.
likely a reference to the 7-year, $153 million contract that lured Ellsbury to New York.
Not seen in the photo above, the ball actually left the park. He got winded and decided to stay at first base.
I haven't seen a Colon run like that since the Birmingham Bowl.
Atlanta FBI: What was the last thing you listened to with the headphones?
Am I the only fuckwit who thought starter meant starting pitchers?