

Oh god, that voice makes want to puncture my eardrums with something rusty.

His turds don’t sink. He eats way too much fat and fat makes turds float. So on balance he’s buoyant, the most buoyant, so fabulously bouyant.

Can I get that printed 18x24 with matte lamination please?

A think you misspelled “wholly accurate take”

Yeah, I was late to the party. You still make a valid point tho.

Garner wasn’t shot.

Some models require you to blow at regular intervals while you’re driving, meaning you could start the car with someone else passing the test, but not drive it more than 10-15 minutes without a sober person in the car and at that point, why aren’t they driving?

Thank God we’ll get some sensible gun control policy out of this?

Me too.

If this happens She’d probably ask for it to be renamed.

Why am I supposed to know who this ‘Chip Gaines’ is?

It’s actually 38%.

Trump says 48%, Gallup says 38%.

So the new programs acronym is,

I think we all still remember the Great Patch War of ‘17, although for some of us we can only wish to forget. All that blood, all that money, and all for a few dozen Patches...I can still see them now, eyes gouged and blackened, nails broken, French braids torn asunder. The devastation haunts my dreams like so many