
Who says Bill Belichek doesn't have a sense of humor? He certainly committed to this 'you should hire Schiano' bit. He could teach a master class in real-life trolling after touching off a front office flame war in Cleveland over Greg Schiano that resulted in actual firings.

In a purely capitalist sense Sam's serial orientation would indeed be a factor, or at the very least a variable to be investigated. Would the team sell more or fewer jerseys/tickets/etc because of fan reaction to an openly Gay player? There will be focus groups and much wringing of hands over how this will affect "The

Be involved in violent organized crime?

This is not the Malice at the Palace. This is a kid that pushed a guy who called him "the N-Word"

Still betting on "the N-Word"

Can I bet on "the N-Word"?

What do you mean, "you people"?

These charts predict different total number of overall medals to be distributed.

Except yours says the US will win 3 more medals than the other model, so who's biased now?

This just in: People on Twitter Don't Understand the Words; Karma, Literally.

In a blind taste test xenophobes choose Pepsi hands down.

How many Fucks does Marshawn Lynch give?
Zero Fucks, that's how many.
"Hey Marshawn, some guy just wrote some shitty things about you, care to comment?"
No he does not, because Marshawn Lynch is the king of not giving Fucks.
"Hey Marshawn, what does it mean for you to be playing in the Super Bowl?"
I do not give a Fuck

Do you put that on the license plates?

I think the idea is to prevent skull fractures.

Why aren't batting helmets considered 'Protective Caps'?

I love how the Raider's logo is blacked out, just like real life.

The NFL won't do Shit because 'Free Minor League System'
No stadium upkeep, no liability, no coaching salaries or travel expenses and in return for the box of nothing else they get a free minor league system. The NFL even has a rule that you must be three years removed from high school to be draft eligible in order to

Trent Dilfer has more Super Bowl rings than Dan Marino.