Heeza Bum

Ummmmm… you understand that the Cell is "New Comiskey" and the referenced Comiskey no longer exists, right?

My apologies if someone has predicted this already, but I have a feeling Reigns is going to win Money in the Bank and use the briefcase to make a heel turn and join up with the Authority. As silly as it seems, I think they are going to try and have him follow the path The Rock took to becoming one of the premier

I went and saw them in April back-to-back nights in SF. They put on a tremendous show both nights. Still kinda bothered by all the d-bags trying to push through the pit when "Epic" was played and then looking dumbfounded with something like "Digging the Grave". Oh well.

I've re-watched the series twice. Both times were introducing the series to someone else. It is awesome to watch someone go through what we all felt as we went through it the first time. Plus, as mentioned above, you notice so much more as small moments to a first-time viewer are so much larger knowing how it all