
I'll probably wrap up Uncharted 1 this weekend. Playing through old PS3 games that friends are willing to let me borrow. I was planning on running through on easy mode to move on to something else after a few sessions. The puzzles are incredibly basic, but the combat got a little tricky, due to rather clunky aiming.

They've got to find a way to make Rusev a face soon.

Though they are probably used about as often as they should be, I still enjoy any sort of Appreciation Night ceremony. It always turns into a schmozz, but usually in a funny way, and the heels can get some comeuppance while still leaving the in-ring stuff for the PPV.

It's time to build a babyface and pull the plug on Cena as a face. He has lived long enough to become the villain. I just don't know who that top face is. Reigns needs to go heel for a year. Brock is not on TV enough. Dean is quickly becoming the next Ziggler. I don't think they know who it is.

Well, I guess they can kill Gordon knowing that the show seems very unlikely to make it to S3. I am enjoying this season a lot more than the first though. They've really tightened up the pacing, and more dutch angles than ever.

It's like you can taste the caramel coloring. Pretty gross stuff. Why anyone goes with anything other than Evan Williams for a cheap whiskey is a mystery.

You could call her Assy for short.


White people are not co-opting tall flat top fades.

Entertainment Weekly?


Read the article first next time.

Digipacks suck, but it's not like we can't grow more trees. Paper basically comes from farms.

One of the best features on here in a while. Great job AVC!

It's like he was trying so hard to be on point with his messaging that he forgot to sound like a human being.

Some of you may remember Kahlil Bell from the NFL. You know they love their athletes.

To start, I thought this episode was rather decent compared to most Raws, mainly by giving me some things I haven't seen before. Still:

Needs a comment that isn't shit.

Sure. I thought S2E2 was one of the best episodes of the series. You'll be fine starting from next week probably.

Beast Wars was the shit. Really strong narrative, and a surprising amount of emotion.