
I loved watching his Dad drive the #9 Coors car around that track years ago. “Awesome Bill fromDawsonville” was NASCAR at its roots & I loved his interviews. I’m from NC, so I’ve got an accent, but that man’s accent always made me feel like a Yankee. He & Ward Burton are my favorite all time interviews, you almost

They lost this sports fan at “marathon”.

Did you tell them this “sucky” country was the only reason they weren’t vassle states of Germany and/or Russia?

Notice also the amount of room that Cam has to step up into the pocket to make that throw. A more polished passer would have felt the rush from his front side, climbed the pocket to buy the needed extra half second & completed that pass. Newton’s still a work in progress on that front.

Regulatory overreach is happening in every corner of the economy right now.

He's getting dangerously close to Rae Carruth level bust.

I’m pretty sure “analizing” his brain would be pointless, cold,& gross.

It would be interesting to see at what rate CTE occurs in the general population versus players in collision sports like hockey, football, & auto racing. Also, do soccer & rugby have a similar issue?

Listen to your mother,kids, don't lean out over the railing.

Does this mean the commercials will finally stop?

No, curtains from an interior designer are the biggest scam.

Grandpappy had a white pride hat too, but it was pointier & didn't have no writin on it.

Please let him become QB coach of the Browns.

Since when does a United Methodist Church have the money to sponsor an NFL team? Hackensack must have a great fundraising bazaar.

My birthday is 11/24 & I’ve always liked that it was either on or near Thanksgiving because everyone in the family remembers & acknowledges my birthday within a day or two of its actually happening.

Is now a good time to point out that Morelli’s crew is the only one with a girl?

Someone's talking their way out of starring in the sequel.

For the Christmas meat dilemma. Try Atlanta brisket. The key is a good quality brisket, that is then braised in a ketchup & Coke bath with assorted spices. Delicious.

Surprisingly, the girl appears to be fairly attractive & the dude is less than 300 lbs and is not wearing Zubaz.

Look at the collar on the big one.