Heel Derringer

His comercial dominance will most certainly decline. Popular artists usually do as they and their fanbases get older and the market shifts to younger ones. No king rules forever, but at least he can say he was on top at one point, and no amount of haters can take that away from him. He will still matter to a lot of

Yet he made more money yesterday than you will your entire life.

Well it's good enough to sell over 800k units in 3 days so…who cares what you think Evan

Man, people are just now finding any excuse to hate on Drake these days, no matter how lame. Jealously of his success will cause that I suppose. But this is clearly Drake's fault right? I mean as we all know, one of his abilities is to magically know when people behind him are taking pictures

So to sum up, you are pissed off because this show isn't all about women anymore? Typical feminist garbage.