The difference between living in a modern country and living in a Third World country is, most importantly, to act like you live in a modern country and not a Third World country.
The difference between living in a modern country and living in a Third World country is, most importantly, to act like you live in a modern country and not a Third World country.
His too-brief appearance in that movie made be imagine Peter O’Toole as a 60’s Bond.
Considering David Niven had serious military experience to back up his suave demeanor, he was almost Bond in real life.
The original “Gone in 60 seconds” is an easy contender here with (Literally) the entire last hour dedicated to full throttle antics without stop. So much better than just about any other car-chase movie which has 10-15 minutes of car chasing.
I loved David Niven as the ‘real’ James Bond! And Mata Bond.
Oakland definitely has the worst drivers in the Bay Area. Most of the bad drivers in San Francisco itself are actually distracted/lost tourists.
Yes yes yes. My 5 and I thank you.
I’m not a bike rider, so I’ll have to put this into terms I’m more familiar with.
I agree, I learned to ride in Belgium which has the graduated licenses. For those not aware: 50cc to 124cc: Anybody, provisional license pro-forma., 125cc to 599cc:written test + provisional license pro-forma, parking lot test., 600cc and up : Full agilities and written test, with road test administered by teacher…
I can tap out a good percentage of a modern supersport bike’s abilities on a race track. Not all, I’m not a club racer, but enough that I’d wreck out on a non-supersport. I can use 100% of the power and braking no problem on the street, and stay well within the speed limit and rules of sanity whilst doing so. No…
Not on a bike, not on a trike
Of course the family isn’t pulling any punches, the kid was going to be the meal ticket for the family. They have no option but to sue Stewart.
“ check out those curves “
Cue a replay of all the previous comments on this. I consider the whole event to be an entirely avoidable tragedy—that could have been avoided by Kevin Ward staying in his car.