You're not a cop. It's irrelevant how fast the person coming up on you is. Get your dumb ass over and let him by. If a cop nails him you can be smug as you drive by. But GET over. Dumb jerks like you who think they are righteous are the ones who cause road rage. You don't have authority. Get over. BTW- your owl sucks.
It could be 900. Move over at let the faster guy pass. Really, what is there to get mad about. You had to click “Cancel” on the steering wheel or had to tap the brakes or let off the gas for five seconds? You probably came up behind someone doing 85 and they thought “This fucker wants to pass me and I’m already doing…
It doesn’t matter if the guy is going 67, or 57, or 107. The left lane is for passing. You complete your pass and get back in the middle. It’s not that hard. It’s not there for people to cruise at 2mph higher than the speed limit and inhibiting people that want to pass, causing those people to pass more dangerously.…
You’re on the wrong site. Jezebel is that way ====>.
Actually pretty solid of y’all to take him out on the track.
The planes have air inside the tires and that’s how come they can fly so good.
Oh, a motorcycle-driven boat?
Bad enough that manufacturers do it, but when you actually pay for a fake aftermarket hood scoop, you need to have your jalop card revoked.
I don’t even have anything to say about those useless POS Pep Boys stick on vents.
Heh. Julia Gulia. That’s gonna fly well.
Not to call you out on prefacing with “not to victim blame” then promptly victim blaming”, but why bother prefacing with “not to victim blame”?
“Honestly officer, I didn’t even see him.”
I wouldn’t stand at that runoff area even if Walter Rohrl is at helm.
I like the idea of graduated plating, but it doesn’t really solve the main issue, which is the wide disparity of driver speeds on limited access highways. Right now, on a 70 mph highway, you’ll see cars going anywhere from 65 to 85 mph, with the faster drivers sometimes weaving around the slower ones, which is…
Makes sense to me. Weren’t most speed limits set like 40 years ago? Your typical car from 1975 is scary as hell at 80mph. In today’s cars, you’ll exceed that without noticing if you aren’t careful on a straightaway. Plus, stopping power is better today as well.
I’m not actually a huge fan either but that car is sensational. I’d prefer something like a McLaren or Porsche if I had the choice.
That’s my C&C stop in West Chester, PA. C&C is about people getting together to talk cars.
Who cares? My biggest pet peeve about C&C is that people can’t leave pretension and expectations at home. You’ve got people too anal to let people drink coffee near their cars and you have people that can’t understand that someone loves their barely-modified Focus enough that they might want to talk about it with…