




I don’t like politics in my video games!

Hopefully all cheaters will be...Underwatch.

If anything is worse than your Thanksgiving, it’s that remake!

Get outta here with those remake screenshots. Woof.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

This is stupid, and should not be a thing. I understand that sharing explicit images is probably not advisable, where anyone can see them — they shouldn’t be patched out of mature games.

Lol what the fuck... ‘false advertisement’. Admit it, you didn’t like this episode because he shat on your favorite franchise.

As a fellow south paw I must point out that Link is/should be left handed! And don’t give me that Wii nonsense! We’re ten percent of the pop, don’t take our mascot away!


Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.

In all fairness, life is a mystery.

Well she is the 1%, so...

I agree with Blizzard on this. It’s the right choice. Have you tried playing Goldeneye this century? That game is TERRIBLE.

And that is how President McPresidentface was elected.

Seems more like salt than shade to me.

your comment inspired to read the wikipedia entry for photoshop. so apparently it was released in february 1990 so it was basically 2 years old. this comment is hardly a response but it’s food for thought about the state of tech at that time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Photoshop#Early_history interesting

Gah, I remember QuarkXPress. Does that make me old?