Some perspective on how historic this is:
Some perspective on how historic this is:
I wouldn’t say that WWII is treated like it was fun, but the culture surrounding the Second World War is much different than the First. WWI was a disasterous dominoe effect and was much greater in scale and destructiveness than anything that had come before it. It was impersonal, nationalistic, mechanical, and…
Eternal Darkness is one of my top GameCube games and probably still is in my top 20 games of all time list. I’m NOT a fan of horror games at all (Resident Evil is about as much as I can handle) but there was something about this game which just completely drew me in. It has been a while since I played it but I…
Such a fantastic game. If you’re wondering why people were willing to give Silicon Knights an endless pass despite making nothing of note for most of the aughts*, play this game.
I’m happy to say, I did look them up. This shit is incredible.
This is a pretty rough month.
Dang it all, I should have picked richer parents.
It explains why he has no backbone.
Hey, it could be worse. They could have called it the sWIItch.
Gotta take what you can get.
If it was available digitally at that price I would. I have been disc free this gen - but it is tempting
If it was available digitally at that price I would. I have been disc free this gen - but it is tempting
I was in there three days ago (visiting from Seattle) and almost all the people volunteering there were black, and the vast majority of the rest were people of color. I saw only a couple of white faces. So, yes. Sorry to ruin your snarky “question”, but the answer is an emphatic yes.
Here’s some shit Jezebel didn’t…
Yeah, either people are pulling things out of context and ignoring the rest, or they are just skimming the article. They also tried to educate people on the historic racism and white supremacy of Oregon, and Portland in particular, which a ton of people don’t know about or ignore, in that statement.
I’m going by what is written in the article we are commenting on.