
Better in theory than practice. Metal can be sharp and hard. :)

Thats true I suppose.

I guess, but its a trope about women. That you can treat us awfully and win us back with jewellery.

I knew I was done with two friends when another girl showed us her engagement ring, and as soon as she walked away they made fun. "You'd need a microscope to see that diamond," was one comment.

I don't know why its assumed all women are magpies and just obsessed with shiny jewellery.

Women butlers.

Why can't I go to weddings like yours???


I know. Its an incredibly difficult situation.

As in Hayden Pannetieres future father in law?

Thats interesting. There are people here complaining she didn't have a bodyguard. I doubt bodyguards want to work for you when the government wants you dead.

Generally I'd say no to this suggestion but…..that bone structure has me saying yes.

They have more realistic implants nowadays.

What a brave person.

I told the others I'd go looking for it. I will, I promise. Apparently its amazing and I am missing out.

Cat mothers just generally don't give a damn. If a kitten is sick they set it outside their bed. They are rough with their young. They figure, oh I can always make another/I always have another. My kid is self sufficient I can leave it alone to fend for itself.


I like the fact that their personal lives rarely if ever come up, neither do their looks.

Now that I know the cover I will go a-searching for it.

For a while there Jezebel was in love with Miley.