
Literally just left a comment about diapers on Hamilton’s newest non-diaper post. I can’t believe he deleted me like that yesterday. Outta nowhere he came down on me with the power of ten-thousand Prophet Muhomods.

Eric Clapton has already picked whatever meat was left off Robert Johnson’s dead bones.

Looks too heavy. Unless your stocking is made of cast iron and is bolted onto a mountainside it will never hold.

Bought my wife some Kegel Exercises - highly recommend.

Sure looks like it from here.

Donald Trump attracts racists. Racists are self-identifying and that is good for us. We should use that to our advantage.

It’s a new day.

I hope not, but he has a realistic chance. There is so much racism around these days, more racism than at any point since the end of segregation. We need strong leaders that will stand up to Trump and his racist bandits and jail them for the hate they are spreading.