
Well shit, Nate. I’m at work right now and I felt the urge to cry so hard I had to go to the bathroom. Your story felt like a carbon copy of my whole life. I also found cynicism and lack of feeling a much easier way out for many things. Last couple of weeks have been harder for some reason. Thank you for sharing. On

You are in for an awesome journey, my friend. Enjoy every second of it because I think it’s going to take a long time before we get another game like The Witcher 3.

I don’t usually jump into hype trains but Breath of the Wild sounds like such an amazing game it makes me want to buy a Switch so bad. I will for more games though.

Hearts of Stone has been as epic as the main game. I did like the scene after the boat crash though.

I’m on the same boat, Riley. I think I started The Witcher 3 the same time you did. What an amazing journey it’s been. I had to reply the whole main game because I felt tricked by the ending I got (spoilers, it was the bad one, same as you). I gotta say I started playing Hearts of Stone and so far I don’t like it as

Amazing how many people still play the Witcher 3 even after all this time. I bought the GOTY edition on a Christmas sale and just finished the main story. Now I half way through Heart of Stone and I can see why this game was so praised.

I got the same ending as you, Riley. I felt tricked by the game so I started it all over again. Looking at the decisions I’m making right now during my 2nd play through, I feel some of them are not meant to be made by decent people. 

To each their own man. I respect your view on having kids but that doesn’t change one bit mine. I don’t want to have kids. That’s something I’m sure of. I feel like I’d be an awful father and I don’t want to screw up a person. Besides, we have more than enough mouths to feed in the world as it is. Bringing one of to

I see this as a side effect of the creation of art. People have different vision in regards to art as a whole. Sucks they split but on the other hand, now we have 2 awesome directors creating stuff separately.

I’m on the same boat as you. I haven’t cared about RE since 4 and also read the thread in Reddit. All I can say is the story sounds like a really confusing mess.

Wow! That escalated quickly...

I didn’t know drugs were called “talent” now.

Damn, dude. That’s harsh. Loved your story, though. If you ask me the head of security is the one that owes you the money, not Melissa. But because I also dislike her, I’m with you. Melissa, if you ever read this, pay this man his money.

You should all read his last tweet. It’s pure gold.

This is a great post. I also want to add the following: This is the clear definition of how and why every story has two sides. At first, Microsoft is the bad guy but later Kamiya is. Like Rich said, ultimately the game and the gamers are the victims in the end.

I don’t think an only main-story missions playgthrough is possible. For what I was able to get from the few hours I played, you need to do side quests in order to level up fast enough to progress.

I’m on the same boat as you, Riley. I just bought the GOTY edition and played around 5 hours just to stop because of how overwhelmed I felt just looking at the map and also by how slow the leveling felt. I plan on going back once I finish Doom (which I also bought at the same time).

That’s interesting but for some reason seems wrong to me. Continue to give credit to someone that is no longer involved with the project and you will confuse people. Just my opinion.

Same as you, dude. I just started a new save in slot 2 with Corvo and now I just want to end the game super fast to start a NG+ save. I didn’t really like the first DH but this one I dig it very much.

Yes, I can confirm all the bone charms are randomize each play through for all levels. I re played Mission 2 several times because I didn’t like how I was playing and each time I got different charms in the same locations.