Héctor Eduardo Luna

Wot??? wheres the sarcasm tag?

Yeah that's fine in a country were minimum wage can rent you a room a buy you food for a month. But try to apply that in a country like Venezuela, our minimun monthly wage is just $60. Here more is better, period.

Now playing

Comparing the Mac Pro $3000 Base model to a $3000 custom made gaming PC.


First, we don't. Second, there is a place outside of the US called planet earth, and is a really big and ugly place.


The McDouble happens to be on McDonald's dollar menu

it does.

This is going to blow your mind. In Windows: press Ctrl and then scroll up with the mouse wheel in Google Chrome. In Mac: press the apple logo and then "+" in the numeric keyboard in Google Chrome. You are welcome.

Best Gif ever? We need moar woman like THIS!

Are you 'Merican... right?

you are funny

You can play Bf4 everything high at 45 fps with a $110 650 Ti Boost... That's what I call Bang for the buck.

I love my 550 Ti, I only play BF3, BF4 and Diablo. But I might buy the 650 Ti boost on black Friday, you can find the Boost for about $100 after rebate.

Leer no cuesta nada... Oye fan, lee. Yo tengo dos iPod touch de las dos ultimas generaciones, no me pierdo de nada. El problema son los fans que se pierden del 99% de la tecnología, tengo un buen amigo que no toca un android pq hace 5 años probo un HTC Dream G1 y le pareció basura. Claro este amigo es un Apple

Pero soy un geek con muchos equipos. No se que intentas.

Pienso que las personas tienen a Apple tan metidas en el trasero que se están perdiendo un mundo de oportunidades. Yo soy un Geek, compro lo que me parezca bueno, tengo 2 celulares (android y windows phone), un ipod 5 y un 4, una tablet android, un Kindle 3, una laptop (win XP), una mac mini, una hackintosh, una PC

almost 2014 and the mouse is still the king