Héctor Eduardo Luna

This is so retarded, first time I feel happy to live very far from North America.

I’m just against ignorance, there is no 46 genders, just two. You are in your right to fuck whatever you please, in fact, do it just for the fun of it. But don’t try to pass your ignorance to future generations, a man with a wig is not a woman.

Por eso los latinos somos inferiores a los gringos. Gizmodo en inglés ni publicó esta nota de prensa porque tienen un editor con dos dedos de frente que no publicaría una noticia tan vacía de información, no hay datos de la cantidad de energía necesaria, ni el volumen de hidrogeno que produce. Tampoco se habla de la



I’m waiting for a good 4k VR. 1200p is not enough,I really hate screen door effect.



6 teraflops... So a 1070.... in holiday of 2017.... this is stupid.

Or you can buy a Wii for the same price.

I wear headphones even if i’m not playing music.

Wow so much gayness. Come on! We all want to see free pussy.

I have a Web Server on a Pi. A functional web server running of a 5V USB cable.

I fell you bro, my life is a mess after my ex wife.

It works!!!!! OMG finally, I work with lots of memory cards. Thx!

I eat, drink and party like a king for $1500/m in Panama. This is why we have lots of gringos living here.

I know that feeling... Nasty stuff, really nasty (motel bathroom) stuff.

Better than Pacific Rim.

Robot Jox <3 <3 <3 <3

I really want a Wii U, but for $100.

I really want a Wii U, but for $100.

I’m doing 10-12 reps with really great results. 30lb dumbbell and lifting 110lb olympic bar. But this month i’m gonna try this weekly cycle. Thx!