Héctor Eduardo Luna


I saw what you did there

How about, ban newborns with hands so they can't hurt each other?

I have to agree with you, but, i'm not gonna live forever and I really don't care much about the planet.... So, please build this, NOW!

Guns are banned in Venezuela. Still, there are +5.000.000 illegal guns in our country. My suggestion is, don't bother.

Well said

So... you don't know how to cook. Lame

1. Surface RT (USB wins all)

TOMTOM for me

It is.... and then some more

Finally I can Upgrade to iOS 6

=D I'm a Big Fan!

I love aluminum, but not on my phone. Polycarbonate should be a standard.

Apple’s Black Friday Deals are None.

Ahmen to that... In other news 40 murders this weekend alone in my city Caracas.

Now playing

Hollywood all over again... Has anyone seen a drone strike? They are pinpoint and barely do any collateral damage, that's a fact. For reference:

Take out the twin towers, then call them innocent people. Fuck logic USA... Fuck logic.