Héctor Eduardo Luna

Step 1: Take the photo

"Regardless of how you feel about Apple, its latest phone seems too good to be true." No it doesn't.

128 GB nand flash are so cheap these days.

I still remember my 20GB Nomad =). Now I have a useless 8GB (6.4GB) iTouch. =(

$300 for a 4" iPod touch and $300 for a 7" iPad mini... Fuck Logic!

You comment to this... So your point is? Gizmodo without the comment section would not be appealing at all... to anyone.

It ain't. In fact, more than 10 PC is stupidly expensive to maintain.

Why in hell do you need an account for "gaming"?

Metaphor; is a literary figure of speech that describes a subject by asserting that it is, on some point of comparison, the same as another otherwise unrelated object.

Your an idiot

Didn't Gizmodo said it was a great idea a year, or less, ago?

Nice Gizmodo staff picture gallery.

Fanboys... Fight!

But not purple

HPCs Windows CE lives on in the form of WP 7.8.... So you know

The swelling still has to go down

This is as impressive as it gets. Midnight, pitch black @ 60 seconds of exposure. http://on.fb.me/R6KNXR

Triple post!

This is as impressive as it gets. Midnight, pitch black @ 60 seconds of exposure. http://on.fb.me/R6KNXR

I have a Kindle 3 and I love it. But the screen res is so low that I have to zoom my pdf's all the time, and zooming is incredibly slow. This could be my next e reader.