
The song is ok. Not great, not horrible, just ok. I don’t see what the big deal is about it? Every time I go on social media all I see is people going crazy over this song. Now I come here and there’s an entire article dedicated to it. Guess I’m old. I didn’t think the song was that fly. It wasn’t dope either. It was

Congressman get away with worse all the time. It shouldn’t’ be a surprise that Scarborough had some quack cover for him. Still, hope he gets away with it because it makes Trump go crazy.

This article was already posted on Gizmodo and I already commented on it there so I feel the need to replicate that comment here, so long as that’s alright with everyone.

Well, it really does look like Joe murdered her and used his get out of jail free card that all congressmen get. Still, the fact that Trump is so mad about it makes me want Joe to get away with it and face no consequences.

Data? Who cares about data privacy these days? Maybe I’m missing the irony of the post.

If Joe Scarborough really did murder that girl then he should face consequences for it, but Trump is not helping by politicizing the situation. In fact, it almost makes me want Joe Scarborough to get away with it. I can’t be the only one thinking this.

Michael Moore is the single greatest film maker of all time. He was woke while you all were still asleep in your jammies. To a large extent Michael Moore made the modern success of liberal ideology possible. He questioned 9/11 back when that was taboo. He suggested that maybe the official narrative is horseshit and

Well, Beto and guys like him (Mayor Pete, etc) are the future of the party. So he weighs heavily in my calculus. But also the demographic shift in Texas. Remember, Beto speaks Spanish. That’s going to be very important in the future. We need to get votes from the Spanish speakers who don’t know English and we also

Imagine waking up in the morning, birds are singing, sun is shining - you take a deep breath of the fresh air and smile. Another wonderful day to be alive. Stretch, get out of bed and wander over to the window. Beautiful. What a gorgeous Georgia day. You take a shower, shave, and make yourself breakfast. Pancakes,

This is just one of those things we’ll have to disagree on and move on from. I really feel Texas is blue so that’s kind of where I’m at with the subject.

Every Memorial Day we have a cookout with my grandparents and every single year it turns into a shit show. Everyone gets way too drunk and way too honest. My grandfather fought in WWII and has a large collection of guns to this day. He’s got everything from old-fashioned cowboy revolvers that he says are worth a lot

Nah Texas is blue right now. Don’t forget that Beto almost beat Cruz and almost became the presidential nominee.

No chance. Trump has no chance in the Midwest. Everyone is leaving the cities and going to the Midwest so places like Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, etc aren’t purple anymore they’re solid blue and will easily flip. Maybe the flyover bumpkins will move to the city now and in the future the cities