Héctor Gómez Reyes

7 hours for Networking only, no Flash nor animations, no movies, just texting on the web, with half bright on the screen. GPU will only bottleneck when you try something related to graphics, and a program that actually uses GPU (not all of them use the GPU properly). I had an eee, great netbook, but never fulfilled my

@Nathan Dunn: then you are screwed in every single way, cause i don't think that android is going to think of you in a 5 fingers maneuver

@AssuntaPabsy: yeah, and look what happened to WebOS ja!

@Mark 2000: actually you "could" now with the app store it only asks your itunes account, not the root password or whatever. Most of the mac stores have (or at least the one I worked in Mexico) Deep Freeze, so at the end your program should be gone.

@SoaringDisbelief: you can do a restore with another mac to an USB. I have a restored partition in my 500GB Portable for whenever I need to.

@whormongr: @TomXP411 I am in Mexico so I am as close as f'd up as possible when it comes to Internet coverage and pricing. And again, I asume that cloud computing is all about you sending an input to a server wich does all the heavy computing for you, and gives you only the output, which you only care about. However

@ILLKnOwLeDgE: What I actually meant was... isn't this like a monopoly on web browser? If my memory is right Microsoft has been 'sued' over this in Europe. I'm sure that it is not that simple to brand it as a monopoly since they define the web browser an OS now.

@andrelix: There is an Engadget article explaining with it probably won't include a Retina Display, but is always good to have people who know not that much about hardware pushing companies to actually try to develop new tech.

By the way, what about if I want to use like... Firefox, or Safari, or I wan't to pay trough a Stupid Bank webpage which only works with IE?

So... what about offline working?

@r0y: Congratulations on being a smartass-poser. If you're a truly such a computer expert you should be able to: