
I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.

This is only tangentially a food story, but it ends up in a Starbucks, so there you go.

So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.

My old roommate was a nurse. We lived down the street from our city’s main hospital, and we wanted another roommate to help out with rent. She was not the most ideal roommate for my best friend, but I liked her enough that one Sunday afternoon we walked down to the gas station to pick up some 40s so we could day drink

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

Tell us more about your bacon fantasies.

Images from People Against The White Moose Cafe...

I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

You know why female praying mantises eat their mates after they copulate? Because they know that assholes like this exist.

I think people mistake the benefits of icing with being some kind of panacea. Icing can be a good treatment for inflammation, and there’s limited evidence that ice baths can be good. But this cryotherapy? It’s basically taking a good thing to an extreme.

What do you want, regulatory oversight? Why do hate America, you jobkiller.

If she died in seconds, would it have mattered if there were someone there with her? Also, is anyone else freaked out that something that could kill you in seconds is being overseen by what I can only imagine are the same kids running the SunTan City?

Does anyone know how to become a contestant on Shark Tank?

We had one like that. (We had to put him on a diet, but it was only to get him down to 25 pounds from 28.) He was part Maine Coon, and also, I think, part Buick.

I just adopted this kitten a couple hours ago and she is asleep on my shoulder right now, you guys.

Anyone else terrified for these women and the employees? I would not put it past these assholes to leak all that personal info to anti-choice psychos.

On the plus side: the kid probably is getting a fat settlement check, because the business owes him triple whatever it was supposed to pay him during the year. Labor law is not my area of specialty, but to my understanding (I am an attorney) employees are entitled to treble damages for any unpaid wages that the

Wait...unpaid training periods aren’t illegal?! What psychotic legal gimcrack is used to justify that?

Troll Level: Activist

She’s not a heartless, child-kicking racist. She’s a heartless, child-kicking, LITIGIOUS racist. Duh.