If there’s anyone out there that actually thinks being poor is simple, then they deserve a right punch in the face.
If there’s anyone out there that actually thinks being poor is simple, then they deserve a right punch in the face.
Is that a toy? I have it hanging on my bathroom mirror. I swear the tag said “hand towel.”
You call it science, I call it “something I wrote up instead of working out today” XD
There’s one critical hangup in all of this... for mammalian cell culture, there is an essential component of the growth medium we use: serum, derived from bovine blood (the plasma, basically)*. Most commonly, fetal bovine serum. Serum contains tons of individual growth factors which are very important in stimulating…
If there’s a market for Velveeta and non-dairy coffee creamer, you cannot tell me that the taste *has* to be spot-on. Make it cheap enough, and people will accept close enough.
My fucking god. Don’t you have ANYTHING better to do with your time than try to control other women’s wombs?? You feel so entitled to other women’s reproductive choices that you actually traveled to Ireland to try and keep women there from getting the healthcare they need, too? Here’s a better tagline for these…
“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”
I read every one of these - and there were definitely some gems - but I just flat-out can’t get over putting jelly on pizza, let alone asking for it like it’s not completely insane.
Not surprising considering the history and real legacy of Mother Theresa. Just following in her footsteps of actually hurting people instead of really helping. Luckily there are loads of amazing and cool nuns, but Mother Theresa and her order were/are not these people.
I had open-heart surgery as a toddler, 40 years ago. The scar is very prominent and I make no attempts to cover it. I’ve had it all my life so it’s not a traumatic thing for me, and I still will make up stuff like this sometimes because it’s not random person on the street’s business.
I was put on hormonal birth control when I was ten to try to control my periods, which were occurring twice a month. Not so out of the realm of possibilities.
I’m teaching analysis in my course right now, and how to look for an author’s assumptions.
Yeah, that’s kind of already been done when the news first became common knowledge. However, even with something like that, I know a good deal of people who kind of make it their mission to ignore personal boundaries and insert themselves into situations they don’t necessarily need to be in. But we’ll see, I suppose.…
Nice read, Leslie. Everything you’ve written about your pop makes him sound like a pretty rad dude. Sorry you lost him.
Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you…
So vaccines don’t cause Autism. Here is the thing, I don’t like how they make Autism sound like the bogeyman that destroys children. I worked with a boy who has it. He had trouble when he was younger because he didn't understand how people worked. He's starting to understand a little more and is growing. He going to…
Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.