
Me too! In high school, I would watch my gym teacher and only run while she was looking, then the moment she looked away, I’d stop. I failed the mile fitness test every year. Now, 10 years later and 20 lbs heavier, I’m gearing up for my 2nd half marathon. Fitness =/= size. (even though losing the weight is my overall

There’s a character in Starcraft 2 who says (in a deep southern accent) “Well butter my biscuit”, and I have only ever been able to hear it in an extremely sexual way. It helps that I love biscuits and butter.

The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.

I have it on very good authority from Strawberry Shortcake that Blueberry Muffin’s vagina* does, in fact, taste like blueberry.

I just know that at some point before I die I'm going to see a package of hamburger with a warning label "Contains meat." and it's going to be because of one of these idiots.

I know way too many people who were convinced they were getting that Cadillac.

I also think that fundamentally the capitalist system as practiced in America, with its hyperfocus on maximizing results at all costs, operates in concert with cultural stereotypes in a way that is detrimental to women. We teach boys to fight and women to compromise, and the capitalism we practice in this country

I am glad to see elder care mentioned and discussion of “family” leave. Because even if you don’t have children or plan to have children, women also generally end up bearing the responsibility of caring for sick parents/siblings/partners.

Just a suggestion: it would be interesting if Jezebel did a piece on multi-level marketing, which as far as I can see exploits women’s desire to be both successful entrepeneurs and sexy stay-at-home moms. Personally, I think women are being victimized by the idea that a successful woman must 1) run her own company, 2)

I throw up in my mouth a little bit whenever someone uses the term “alpha male” seriously.

So many great stories which I am glad to have not been there for!

Seconding jezbanned and giving you ‘sitting’ ovation (‘cause, lazy):)

Haha, thanks. Butter your muffin indeed!

I feel like we need to get the butter-boner together with the guy who fucked the bread dough. For science or something.

“just above the guy who dug a hole in a bag of butter and had his way with it before being caught in the act.”

Jesus. I’m quitting smoking, and I still don’t think I have the rage to hit a customer with a hammer. A roll of bread, maybe. I could probably snap and beat someone with a baguette, but a hammer?

My mom frequently bought me boys costumes. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one was the best by far. So, you *can*, but the issue is that little girls shouldn’t be getting the message that those things are for boys. They’re for everyone.

Allow me to complain about girl’s costumes too... my five-year-old daughter absolutely loves the cartoon Teen Titans Go. It is her favorite show by far. She’s constantly playing Teen Titans when she’s outside running around. She’s always Starfire, who is her favorite, I’m always Robin and my wife is always Raven. She

This was super important for me. I’ve been going to the gym relatively consistently for 2 years now, with seeing a trainer once a week for the last year. I’ve not really lost any weight (and I’m not overweight, the extra is just in places I don’t like- darn you tummy!).

Getting fit is very hard, but people conflate the fact that it is simple (conceptually) with being easy. Eat better, move more! So easy! No, that’s simple. Executing this on a daily consistent and ultimately permanent basis is hard as hell to do if you’ve spent most of your life developing myriad bad habits.