
I hope his parents wipe that fucking town off the map financially. I hope every adult involved in this fiasco of bigotry and illegal shenanigans ends up wearing a barrel with suspender straps and begging for dimes.

YES. Here’s hoping the civil suit teaches this pack of morons the basics of their job and some Goddamn manners.

Yes. He specifically asked to call them and they refused to let him.

agreed. The officers and school officials are going to argue differently though

I believe it is if the child is “in custody.” I’d say handcuffing someone puts them “in custody.”

I hope his parents do sue. That’s an awful thing to do to a kid.

It is very illegal and a very sue-able offense.

The article says he was alone while questioned and also that he wasn’t allowed to call his parents. I’d say I hope the family takes legal action against the school and the police but, considering where they live and what’s already happened, that would probably only cause more trouble for them

Right? I thought it was standard procedure to call the bomb squad on anything suspicious and then isolate or evacuate the area. Not that a clock is suspicious, but still. When I was in school a bomb threat = evacuate or lock down building (which also caused a lot of false bomb threats on nice spring days... keep it

I’m very skeptical of their story. When police take a bomb threat seriously, they evacuate the premises and send in a little robot to investigate/detonate it. This is straight up “this kid is a Muslim and an engineer which means he could grow up to be a bomb-making terrorist, so let’s give him a scare he’ll never

They handcuffed him, for fuck’s sake. He wasn’t under arrest, yet they handcuffed him.

If they really thought it was a bomb, why didn’t they call people who can recognize bombs right away? Couldn’t a member of a bomb squad say, “No, dipshits. Not a bomb.”

That poor fucking kid. He must’ve been so proud of what he made and to have his efforts met with such racist suspicion is heartbreaking. He sounds like a great student and every teacher involved in this mess should be thoroughly ashamed.

All those Republicans losing their minds about the threat of Sharia Law are the very same ones implementing it here.

As much as I think the situation is BS (and I really, really do), I hope the media coverage allows her to find another hospital to both deliver and have the procedure. It’s super short notice, but for her health and the welfare of her family, I hope someone out there is willing to take on a new patient in such extreme

Oh, no doubt. When The Kid was small, he was convinced that granola bars were healthy. I disabused him of that notion right quick. Don’t get me wrong, we eat candy in my house (husband is a hummingbird, living on the sweet nectar teat of Red Vines and Snickers bars), but I need our son to know that candy is candy and

*whispers*almond flour tortillas sound kind of yummy—like crepes*slinksawayinshame*

It’s three stupids for the price of one!

Not to mention that almonds were only very recently (like 3000-2000 BC) domesticated, because it took a lot of unpleasant effort to find the not-poisonous ones and grow them specifically. So even vaguely trying to claim them as “paleo” is pretty laughable.