
Paleo is the absolute worst diet fad of the last 30 years and the amount cult-thinking and junk science used to prop it up is absolutely staggering. And I say that having had conversations with “breatharians” who come off as way more logical and amenable to reason than the paleo fanatics*.

“And as much as I love garlic, not sure I’d want an entire garlic bulb.”

I always used to respond to those requests with, “if I had access to a stack of hundreds/pound of fifties/winning lottery tickets, I can promise you I wouldn’t be here waiting tables.”

I was way more of a smart-ass when I worked in a bookstore, since my manager was always job hunting and couldn’t have cared less. During the height of the “Twilight” craze, right when the last book and the first movie had been released, we were sent a metric ton of merch, including those SweetHearts chalk-flavored

This weekend I had my four-billionth customer respond to “Can I get you anything else?” with “Yeah, a stack of hundreds, har har har.” I’d just had two miserable shifts in a row, the highlight of which was the homeless drunk who came in and vomited blood all over the floor. I replied “I don’t have any hundreds back

Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex trafficking is a workers are legitimate business human beings.


My friend’s fiancé was once like ‘Hohoho, if you rape a prostitute, is it rape or shoplifting, hohoho’ and I practically shouted ‘It’s rape, sex with someone who does not or cannot consent is rape, please stop talking immediately’.

It’s funny because I was just reading 1 Corinthians, and while there is totally one line where Paul condemns “homosexuals” (in quotes because that’s not actually what the Greek means, but there’s not really a great way to translate it into English without a dissertation on ancient gender and sexual ideology), he’s

They only brought Jesus to dinner with them so they could get free wine.

I think it’s just a feedback loop.

Particularly given that there are plenty of other places where you can hold bible study. My college made rooms available even on weekends, you could go to someone’s house, you might even be able to convince someone in authority at a church to let you study the bible there.

I tip according to the normal price of my meal, plus tax. So if I have a groupon for two entrees for the price of one, I tip for two entrees plus tax. If my favorite waitress at my favorite restaurant pours generously and brings me a free glass of wine (which is common), I tip according to the number of glasses she

People like this are behind the only sincere prayer I’ve ever prayed, “Jesus Christ, DO SOMETHING about your goddamned followers!”

Alternate title for this BCO “Restaurant customers who were walking, talking advertisements for atheism.”

*rubs eyes* Weekend BCO? WEEKEND BCO!!!

My dad, an alcoholic, always used to skip the wine during Eucharist. When we got married, my wife and I were the Eucharistic Ministers. I remember being slightly panicked when my father lined up in front of me and took the chalice from me. He raised it to his lips and then kissed the rim. It was the most reverent

That reminds me of a very odd Winnebago trip I took with a few friends and one of their parental pairings. The parental pair was quite well off and very Southern-rich (when driving through Manhattan—in a Winnie, mind—the wife exclaimed, “Oh look! A homeless person!” with all the glee of a seven year old girl spotting

Well this is a story of my grandfather at a moment of great family sadness and pain.

My ex-fiance is now a priest (not Catholic), and one summer he stayed in the guest room at the parish priest’s house. I was between housing situations for a night, so they let me stay over, and we went at it like rabbits. So yeah, did it with an almost-priest in a current priest’s house.

I’m sure everyone else has a better one, but this is my best shot: