Exactly this; thank you for articulating it so well instead of making a dumb joke like I did.
Exactly this; thank you for articulating it so well instead of making a dumb joke like I did.
I continue to struggle with the fact that several of the republican candidates are so clearly brilliant (Jindal- Rhodes Scholar, Cruz- brilliant legal mind, Carson- literally a brain surgeon) but are so, so stupid. If ever there were poster children for not assuming innate talent endows functionality, it’s these…
They’re not against abortions as much as they’re against women having sex. And they will say on one hand that it’s a precious life and on the other that if a woman plays around, she deserves what she gets.
This seems less a race to be elected president and more a race to be elected king of the dipshits.
The irony is not lost on me that he’s spend the last 2+ years living down his most infamous quote by embracing every dyed in the wool piece of know nothingness to come down the pike.
They should have diluted it in water until there was statistically probably nothing but water left.
No, not a typo. I have worked at a place that will remain nameless that sent around a memo that time spent going to the hospital for work-related injuries would be unpaid. When you’re desperate, it looks like a choice.
I had a manager write that my resting face was not pleasant enough when I was not with customers. IT’S MY FACE. I quit after 4 months.
Most likely not. I worked in a warehouse in Indiana for a long time. Indiana has very few worker’s rights laws, and their OSHA is a fucking joke, with a telephone line that endlessly loops back upon itself. I once (warning, graphic description ahead) cut my arm with a box cutter all the way through the dermis to the…
See, THAT’S when you storm into a kitchen and threaten someone with a steak knife.
1) Use the coupons for the hottest salsa you can get.
No, it sounds about right. :/
I had this pair of asshole brothers come in last night and they tipped me in coupons for free salsa because I had “such a sweet and spicy smile”. Their bill was over $100.
“Wife would like to point out it’s likely the franchisee’s fault than McDonald’s corporate.”
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
The person his argument is based on? Me. I have a roommate, no dependents, no health insurance, no cell phone and no car. I work full time above minimum wage, but not far above. I ride a bicycle 10 miles a day to transport myself for work and I walk if my bike needs repairs or the weather prevents its usage. I will be…
They told us all our lives growing up, “Work hard, stay in school, study, go to college and get a degree, because you don’t want to flip burgers for a living.”
Well, we worked hard, stayed in school, studied, got a college degree, accruing tens of thousands of dollars in debt, and we emerged from college to find a…
This is the exact argument I’m in now on Facebook. This dude defines “living wage” as having roommates, no children or dependents, no health insurance, no cell phone, and no car.* Because the “bottom rung” should only give people a certain level of subsistence. Basically, the poors are stupid and didn’t pull…
No currently-legal profession takes more public crap for demanding to be treated like human beings than food service…