Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Seriously as someone with extremely sensitive skin, a lot of natural ingredients wreak havoc on it. Anything citrus or lavender on my face is going to lead to an eczema explosion. The hardest thing is that the only sunscreens I can tolerate are the mineral sort, which generally tend to have the other crap that makes…
I am so over all the people in this “all natural” movement. Snake venom is natural. Spiders are natural. FIRE IS NATURAL.
Three common misconceptions about natural and synthetic chemicals:
My BFF at a small company where it was realized one of the women was in a domestic violence situation when her BF became unstable and would wait outside for her at work, etc.
The person his argument is based on? Me. I have a roommate, no dependents, no health insurance, no cell phone and no car. I work full time above minimum wage, but not far above. I ride a bicycle 10 miles a day to transport myself for work and I walk if my bike needs repairs or the weather prevents its usage. I will be…
This is America. And in America, you have to open doors in order to walk through them. Okay?! Get it right the first time!
They told us all our lives growing up, “Work hard, stay in school, study, go to college and get a degree, because you don’t want to flip burgers for a living.”
Well, we worked hard, stayed in school, studied, got a college degree, accruing tens of thousands of dollars in debt, and we emerged from college to find a…
This is the exact argument I’m in now on Facebook. This dude defines “living wage” as having roommates, no children or dependents, no health insurance, no cell phone, and no car.* Because the “bottom rung” should only give people a certain level of subsistence. Basically, the poors are stupid and didn’t pull…
It’s like the universe is creating incidents just for us, only way it could have been better is if she declared that her children were allergic to green.
Fuck those bullshit arguments
No currently-legal profession takes more public crap for demanding to be treated like human beings than food service…
So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.
Here’s the proof that the rich and the corporations they represent are insane:
Their wealth is based on consumerism. They write and lobby for laws and regulations that make it more difficult for consumers to exist. They don’t want to raise wages because people are buying from them less for some mysterious reason.
Or roads that aren’t 75% pothole.
Not to mention all those layers of middle management were ruthlessly stripped out during the “lean, mean” 90s during the endless corporate buyouts, all of which profited—guess who?
I also think poor people are socialized to think they’re not good enough to deserve a living wage.
GAH I’m so sick of that line of reasoning. “I DON’T GET WHAT SHOULD BE BASIC WORKER RIGHT, WHY SHOULD YOU?”
YES. My husband made this argument (because he was raised by bootstrappers), and I pointed out that there are ALWAYS a finite number of upper-level positions. Some people simply don’t move up due to lacking skills, discrimination, or just plain old bad luck.
I have heard that so many times. The best argument against it that I have heard is simply, “If you think fast food workers [or anyone really] shouldn’t get $15 an hour because you don’t get paid that much then guess what? You’re probably being underpaid, too!”