
I’m calling BS on that right now, no way some limp-dicked meat bag like McKinley was known to the Egyptians. The awesomeness that is the time travelling cyborg known as Theodore Roosevelt is a different story altogether.

20th and 21st = centuries! Don’t you even math?

I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a clumsily-executed “Australians say ‘mate’ all the time” joke.

That requires small amounts of critical thinking, not something the religious right is noted for.

The only good thing McKinley gave us was Teddy Roosevelt.

ask those people if they knew who he was before last week

Do they mean “Kenyan” as in “Swahili”? Because according to good old (FUCKING FREE, EASY TO FIND) Google Translate, black power = nguvu nyeusi.

I imagine this is what it’s like to work at Snopes.

I haven’t seen this one, but the favorite comment I saw on Facebook included this line:

You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

Like I said in a different thread, this isn’t a joke. She’s setting a very dangerous precedent. What happens when a cop kills two gay men because that is what Leviticus tells him

My dog won’t even kill the roaches/palmetto bugs that come out of the drains.

“The sisters weren’t convicted of any crimes, rather their sentence was punishment for their brother’s elopement.”

Oh, they aren’t responsible, they’re just objects. The brother ruined another family’s property, so now his family’s property should be ruined.

If only we could do that last one. At the very least sue for lost time/income because the parents are going to have to stay home with quarantined Johnny who unfortunately didn’t mount a response even though he is fully vaccinated, or little Annie who has to spend three weeks in a hospital and lost her hearing because

I would definitely sue the idiot who didn’t vaccinate their kids if one of my kids ended up dead or disabled due to a preventable disease.

Shhhh, you, with the science and the facts...

I don’t know what’s more annoying on Facebook...the vocal people trying to repeal SB 277, doTerra fanatics, or Younique salespeople. Or the fact that they’re all pretty much the same people.

Go away. All of you. And keep your preventable diseases away from my little nieces and nephews.

Idaho’s prize is a painful rash and a month of quarantine.