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    According to Joel in the Q&A for Kickstarter backers, the bots went back up to the SOL because they forgot a few things. But he gave the answer very sarcastically, like, why are you even concerned? And I see his point… this isn't exactly a show that lives and dies by its internal continuity lol

    If I was a betting man, and I totally am, I'd lay a sizable amount on getting a season 12.

    Dude. Crow once said that for Christmas, he wanted to decide who lives and who dies. His character isn't exactly humble.

    You get used to it. Some say that the three of them are hard to tell apart in the theater, and I experienced that, too. But after a few episodes, certainly by the end of the season, I don't think you'll have a problem. I think I got used to telling them apart about a quarter of the way through, 3-5 episodes, more or


    "I actually prefer this iteration to the Sci-Fi channel years."

    Did you, though? I mean, you had a career, or job, I suppose. Did you just stop caring about things? I didn't. And that's not to say that it *couldn't* have profoundly affected him - maybe it did. But if the premise is "I would have given up too"… I have to disagree.

    We weren't. We've more uniformly bedecked ourselves since then. The Time Machine Tour, the anniversary of Moving Pictures, R40 and the rumors of the band's final appearances brought out a lot of people that wanted to celebrate just being a fan, I think.

    The jungle! Welcome to the jungle! Feel my - my - my - my Ovaltine!

    "I understood that reference."

    Well… critics for the most part hate the Transformers franchise, but "other people" keep spending billions of dollars keeping it afloat.

    A modern day warrior - his name's Tom Sawyer! He floated down a river on a raft with a black guy! doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo

    Next up: CompUSA!

    Is that what people have been saying it sounds like? I don't hear that at all… the chords are different, there's no reverb at all in Go like there is in Push… I just don't hear it.

    And if Rush had broken up after five albums, we wouldn't have gotten Moving Pictures.

    No, he only watches snow dogs.

    Best thing to come from MST3K wasn't a movie, it was a short: Mr. B Natural.

    Best thing to come from MST3K wasn't a movie, it was a short: Mr. B Natural.