
purists might be more upset at Phillips for turning the intriguingly mutable, multiple-choice origin story of Batman’s nemesis into what looks like a barely-connected-to-the-comics roadmap for thwarted, entitled white-guy griping.

Actually its pretty easy:

That has very little to do with immigration. It’s the “trickle-down” Republican policies that keep fucking over the majority of Americans, while the rich are wealthier than ever.

U.S. wages have barely grown since the era of mass immigration began in the 1960s”

And you think that too much immigration is the reason for hardly any wage growth despite the massive productivity gains?  And you know, not that the wealthiest have basically hoarded those productivity gains?  If real wages have barely grown, productivity has increased, and income inequality has increased massively

It can be a disorder that co-exists with a broader disorders along the Autism spectrum. It’s not just “being a brat”. 

As someone with this condition, responding to someone who clearly can’t comprehend it - imagine your brain processing that simple task (in your words) as being force fed razor blades that have been dipped in acid and washed in urine and you’re maybe a fraction along comprehending what this is about.

I like some fruit. I like grapes and strawberries. It’s a lot more complicated than you think.

I think my favorite part about this post is its admission that it doesn’t even take the time to read the VERY short article in-order to ensure a “First!”, and interject a comment about as deep.

Others have already said it better: “No fucking shit.”

The purchase of a game (or, really, a license) doesn’t entitle you to shit all over the people who made that game just because it doesn’t conform to your individual expectations.

It entitles you to voice your concerns, certainly, but not to issue threats, drop the

Oh wow, you really converted me.

No fucking shit. Gamers can be some of the most entitled assholes ever. Why the hell would someone want to engage with spoiled shits who armchair game develop, as if content and features are as easy to make as a meme template.

The world is actively a worse place because of these people.

This is just my opinion, but I actually prefer the way they handled lootboxes in the original release of Modern Warfare.

I’m happy to hear I helped! Thanks for reading!! 

The Passion is basically anti-Semitic, Jesus torture porn. 

Next update will feature new characters. Data mining reveals them to be Birdlady, Sometimes-a-Ghost-girl, Bamboozalord, Shootalore, and Second-Hand Smoke, esq.

Dude......they’re skins. Completely unnecessary cosmetics.

when you completely miss the point on purpose

On the one hand, this is Dead or Alive.