
It’s extremely telling of someone when they think that being sick is something people do to take advantage of the non-sick. What a tool.

Yah, but everyone HATES that story as it is completely not what the character has ever been about.

I thought it was pretty obvious that this is a kind of interpretation of Mary Jane. I SERIOUSLY doubt they’d bring in a second “MJ” especially after the way they revealed that at the end. I guess it’s still kind of an homage, but it’s also much more.

Well, worst case scenario, he was actually praising it and Germany’s actions (perhaps subconsciously?). Given his thoughts about the Muslim community it’s not the biggest stretch in the world....

“Suspicious” shouldn’t equate to blindly assaulting. I know that’s something some cops have a hard time understanding though...

I know some people would be mad at that “leader of the free world” bit, but it’s true. At least as far as Trump not being it is concerned. He has actively attacked every single ally America has in the “free world” and only cozied up to people who don’t believe in freedom. The only kind of freedom Trump cares about is

Why in the world would he have? He VOLUNTEERED the information....

I know, right? I can’t believe how cold-hearted some people can be when they feel the need to chastise him STILL. No one deserves what this kid likely went through. NO ONE.

Getting rid of a salary cap isn’t going to solve ANY of the issues you have. Hell, it would only make it infinitely worse. What would stop them from also signing on more mega-stars then? No salary cap means that whoever has the most money wins (or at least has a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better chance of it), and that is MUCH

I’m honestly just surprised they can even say all of that with Trumps **** in their collective mouths.....

Maher has always been a piece of ****, pretentious douchebag. He even relentlessly defended that Milo douche and his pro-pedophile comments (even though he wouldn’t tell another guest who didn’t know about it what it was he said, just wrote it off as something offensive).

Same with me. I played a ridiculous amount for a month but when I finished it, I moved to other stuff. When I finished it though, I finished it. I don’t often Platinum games, but I did for that one. I don’t mind I think though, I have a tendency to not finish open world games like that, I get too distracted and

I don’t understand what is so wrong with load times. I’d happily wait a few more seconds if the game ends up being as breathtakingly gorgeous as Horizon. Graphics aren’t everything, but they sure as hell can be nice and add to the experience. So what if you have to wait 30 seconds or so when you start the game (not to

I’d agree with the “amount of time does not equal enjoyment” thing, but I also think there’s a limit. Over 700 hours is a reeeeaaaalllly long time with a game. I played Skyrim to death and still only had 300 hours. 700 hours of something you don’t enjoy sounds odd...

I always thought that was just something that people learned as they grew up. I remember when I was 13 or 14 and having that same thought. “If black people say it, why can’t I say it?!” thankfully, I quickly came to realize why. Really, it’s not complicated at all. There’s no excuse for ANY adult to have grown up

Did he just use the “but black people say it!” line? What is he, 12? God, I knew he was an idiot but this.....

While I agree the vast majority is men, let’s not forget about Ann Coulter (as much as I’d LOVE to...).

I’m sure there are people that will insist that, and it’s true that people can lie. Usually the reason for fighting against that notion is that the automatic response every single time someone accuses someone of rape is “she must be faking!” (usually A LOT harsher than that) and that makes it incredibly difficult for

THAT is what “handling it with grace” looked like to you???? Seriously?????

“De-escalation” seems to be something a lot of police forces aren’t trained in. Glad the officers who were there had a grasp of it, not like the ones in this case obviously.