
I’m surprised that the animal welfare commenters aren’t here wanting to close this circus down.

I buy all my panties (“knickers”) from M&S. Easy online service and super fast shipping. Good quality shit.

Possibly a rich and clever publisher would buy them and publish them in a couple of volumes - “Alan Rickman: Diaries” & “Alan Rickman: Correspondence.” Or some fancier titles - I obviously am not a clever publisher.

As my Scottish father said, the Nessie sightings and stories always used to happen at the beginning of tourist season.

It’s the sort of letter someone who lacks confidence would send to the person who broke up with them. “I know we won’t meet soon, but someday.... And someday I’ll be famous and richer than you.”

I won’t be watching AD.

Okay, let’s see here. Dude is 26. He has an Audi and the money to buy lots of guns and ammunition. Assuming he was playing ICE cop between 9 and 5, what did he do to earn money?

Using their rhetoric, if the Santa Fe shooter had had a single mother, he might not have gotten his hands on his father’s guns.

My only complaint about the dress (or the whole wedding, for that matter) is that the girl’s a divorcee. It should not have been white.

She’s just about to turn blue from sucking in her gut.

My mother told me that I slept from Day One. When pregnant, she never felt better in her life and my father was the one who got morning sickness. She also told me that she only had menstrual cramps once in her life and that she experienced menopause for about half an hour when she got woozy and had to lie down. Under

Kinda sounds like a reboot of Cinderella, doesn’t it?

You can’t win against Crazy.

Is this guy distantly related to the Kennedy Schlossbergs?

Now I know why Tim Horton’s coffee tastes like shit.

Years ago I picked up a few pairs of cotton underwear that has long legs like bike shorts. They fit fine under a short skirt and the cotton breathes.

Your headline makes a Royal Wedding seem like a disease. Maybe it is.

If she got an infection or “bled out,” I highly doubt she’s still with us after all these months. But it’s nice that he cares. (ha.)

I give every book 50 pages. If I’m bored by then, I give up. Life’s too short.

How much was your downpayment? How much do you pay per year in taxes, upkeep, fees? How much did you pay to your real estate agent/lawyer in fees? Do you plan to have the same job in the same city for the rest of your days?