
What?! No “Human Music”?

Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some

We make billions...here have a free education...oh wait, your coach is forcing you to focus on competing rather than focusing on an education? Well duh, how else are we going to make billions off of you, you ungrateful child. Have some free food...but make sure it is not a meal that someone else pays for or else we

It’ll be hard for the NCAA to argue, since its entire business model is based on fucking the student-athletes.

How can someone who appears to be barely 30 presume to tell a 50-year-old what his life is going to be like?

#iam50 #getoffmylawn

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

That’s so cute. Now they both have more rings than the Dodgers.

"Demolition Man" is awesome.  That is all.