
The cutout tank with her boobs hanging out and nipple pasties. She proudly posted a picture on Facebook.

The right to call gays queer and use racial slurs in public without fear of shame or reprisal. Now thanks to the PC social media the poor dears might have to face some consequences for their actions and their little hearts just can’t stand it.

“There is no place for this in the Republican Party or our country...”

There’s a specialty poutine restaurant in Downtown Buffalo, a Tim Hortons on every street corner, a Tim Horton STATUE on our waterfront, and Coffee Crisp in every Wegmans.

It’s a national sore spot. Our socialised poutine system has resulted in a poutine-drain of our best and brightest south of the border. The citizenry is up in arms, but our leaders are too weak to address it.

He’s got a very good brain. Of course he knows what sarcasm is; it means he can literally just say whatever the fuck he wants and when he catches flak for it he says “sarcasm” and acts like it was a big ol’ joke on the media the whole time. And his moronic supporters lap it up.

When he says “people don’t realize we have very strong laws” he means HE didn’t realize we already had ANY immigration laws.

If we elect Trump I’m pretty sure Canada will want to build a wall to keep out all the batshit crazy Americans trying to get in. I’m less than 300 miles away from a border and I’m tempted to make a break for it.

First it’s poutine. Next it’s bagged milk. When will the insanity stop?!?

Too late; there’s a poutine shop around the block from my place in Brooklyn.

“I had a great meeting with great people, great Hispanic leaders, and there could certainly be a softening because we’re not looking to hurt people. We want people — we have some great people in this country. We have some great, great people in this country but we’re going to follow the laws of this country and what

Entirely likely. Luckily, they haven’t the mental wherewithal to understand any of it.

Also to his caddy, his masseuse, his doorman, his girlfriend...

I’ve tried to bust ghosts many times but have always ended up nursing them or marrying them. Or sometimes both. Us ladies are just too nurturing for the violence of it all.

So fuck the NY Post. Also, you know that if the situation were reversed (political dude catches wife sexting with child in full view in the pics), the media would be all, “POOR, POOR DUDE! HIS WIFE IS SUCH A SLUT TAKE THE KID AWAY FROM HER!” The double standard is insane. His issues until now had nothing to do with

But many of these people were people she would have met with already, money or no money. The list of 85 people includes multiple Nobel Peace Prize winners, Ben Affleck and George Clooney (who unfortunately get lots of access in Washington for their activist activities already), etc.

Dear God. I don’t even know who these people are and I hate them.

Who even are these people? I know I'm old but I swear I've never seen them.