
idk this guy seems reasonable

You know who else was never elected president? The Zodiac Killer

Now I want an apple “Dutch Baby”

Typical comment on news sites like Cnn.com that I’ve seen (when I read them, it’s rare because they’re so dumb):

RIGHT? The slot and pictorial hate my guts. It hurts.

Perfect non-trolls who can’t get followed by the Slot!

If I were this girl’s mother I would be seriously tempted to give up years of my life in prison just to brutally murder this man.

Give me a week and you can rent out my place.

Allen’s faced one questionable accusation. Huge difference.

I think part of the reason is that Bill Cosby stars front and center of The Cosby Show. He is visible in almost every scene. Someone can watch Chinatown and have no idea that it was directed by a person who would be arrested for rape if he ever set foot in the US again (Polanski).

He’s the reincarnation of Joseph McCarthy (& the Zodiac Killer), rolled into one.

“...I was just a tired Mom in an Uber with my drapey cardigan tied around my waist...”

For some reason, I find the cardigan detail the most obnoxious aspect of this saga.

This is a massive over-share, in my opinion. Why does the world need to know this level of detail about why you fired your nanny? This has a my-husband-is-hot-and-would-never-cheat-on-me-let-me-show-the-world-proof vibe.

Now at this point in Kyle’s story, the part of me who is the teenager who came of age in Brooklyn started bubbling up– and my hands started itching to take my earrings out and hold them while I got CRAZY.

We need more AARP-level news in Dirt Bag, so here’s an item about Diane Sawyer being spotted canoodling with her ex, Bill Bradley

Can “Send Anna on a Thing” be a regular feature pls

This Double Creature is the only good thing to come out of Ohio this week.

“Mommy loved me more”

I hate it when siblings fight about EVERYTHING! It’s like I always tell my kids, everyone will get their fair chance to have a very famous alleged killer almost end their life in your bed. Just be PATIENT!

I feel like this cover might have done even more damage.