
Can we all agree that the Kardashians have finally hit it?

Ummm, guys, it’s not a contest.

Honestly, I think that Trump truly has no political agenda. He changes his mind from one day to the next, and disavows things he said hours earlier. He wants the pomp and the adulation; and simply blows out extreme rhetoric for its own sake.

Sanders is literally “A noun, a noun, a noun, a noun and Wall Street”

And they say the BernieBro is fiction.

Nouns were one of the key tools the CIA used to topple legitimate governments in the past 50 years. And that’s because nouns and other parts of speech help solidfy our class systems, with most of the new predicates have gone to the 1%. In a Bernie Sanders administration, such grammar differences would have been to be

Yes. But, it’s humorous. Can’t we just have some humor today?

Also a noun: BernieBro.


Those are also 4 of the most disliked Care Bears ever.

This is a ridiculous attack on #BernieSanders! Where are the articles tearing apart Hillary’s grammar?! Typical #lamestream media. #feelthebern #bernie2016 #freecollege #hillaryisacrook #hillaryforprison2016 #abolishthecia #englishonly

Your insistence on properly identifying parts of speech is what’s keeping us from the revolution

At around 5 a.m. during the first night my boyfriend spent at my apartment, we were shocked out of our sleep by a

Or how about a GoFundMe page to raise money so Desiree can afford an attorney to sue this prick into the ground?

Yeah, Cruz is a goddamn Jackal.

Or come on Anonymous, do one of those things you do that make people kind of like you for a minute.

Soooooo, who wants to e-stalk this dude and make a website?

Not to mention that the entire Sanders campaign rests upon a supposed groundswell of Democratic support that pulls in voters that usually don’t show up at the polls (Revolution, anyone?) and ... that is not happening. Turnout was lower in Iowa and New Hampshire than in 2008. I repeat: the entire premise of a Sanders

I just wish people understood that the day after Bernie Sanders wins a Democratic primary, the GOP would launch a character assassination campaign that would render him unelectable within a week.