
Oh look, another wall of freaking flowers......just stap it.

“There I was, enjoying a light repast at the Applebuddies club, engaging in a fine and stimulating discussion of Amanda McKittrick Ros’s brilliant use of simile and metaphor, when suddenly what should assault my ears but some jenny foreigner defiling the rarefied air of our great nation with her native tongue! Well I

I hope he’s also lying about running for President.

Somehow this will cause him to gain another 4-6% in the polls. Because fuck the right wing.

When I hear Ben Carson comin, I hang my head and cry.

Ah hahahahahahahahahaha yes

Doctors that want to restrict access to abortion and don’t believe in evolution baffle me. This is a man who was an incredibly well-respected surgeon. I breaks my heart to know how stupid he truly is. It’s so mind-boggling that I can’t help but wonder if this is pandering? Like, he can’t actually believe what he is

There were a few seconds where I thought the tattoo on his chest said “aww” and I wasn't sure how that fit into his brand/image.

This is reminding me for the first time this election cycle, I saw Trump in person at the Kentucky Derby in the late 90s. My first thought was that he looked like a ham on a neck. We were on a balcony maybe 15 feet away with a bunch of folks, everyone whispering about whether or not the very young, attractive, woman

It’s a quarter of the Pantone color chart for “orange”

Stassa Edwards Is right. The CNBC people did seem to like Kasich, probably because he was the only consistently sane one on stage.

Jesus Christ. How fucking hard is it to be decent people? Apparently it’s the hardest thing in the world.

Depends on the strength of your stomach. I happened to have seen one first hand (pun, whatever-ed) so it may be more complicated. But still pretty yuck. Keeping in mind that he almost lost the finger and it’s been bandaged for like, 3 months...

I like Amber Rose. But, I’m not a huge fan of her saying that all men cheat. Isn’t making a blanket statement about a gender exactly what she’s trying to rally against?

THANK YOU for the suggestion that if I ever get married, god forbid, I will have a wall of deliciousness to be dipped in even more deliciousness after the ceremony.

Just add a guitar and you could use the sexy Donald Trump costume as a sexy Angus Young costume.


Um... y’all?

I was angry before I even clicked thru to the article. Then I read this