
I don’t think it is possible that two more strikingly beautiful celebrities have ever dated.

She is appropriately awkward. It’s fine. Really. We don’t have to be dramatically put off by every single innocuous appearance she makes.

I haven’t watch the “Stimulated” video, but I imagine it’s a far less clean version of this.

Part of my brain is horribly depressed by the judges and the other part is just fucking ecstatic that there are young girls out there thinking this way. Rock on, girls! In all the ways.

This is a negative story but all I can think is it’s surprising and refreshing that girls as young as 13 these days are so educated about feminism. That seems light years away from when I was that age ten years ago.

I want to live in a world where ones talent is all it takes to sell music. Less of the sex sells shit, that’s what porn is for. Then maybe we wouldn’t have to suffer through Arian Grande and other shitty "musicians".

Holy shit. That response was spot on, professional, strong. Those girls kick ass.

because Kris Kan’t get paid for letter C

Now playing

There is only one acceptable non-Rocky use for this song...

I always find it hilarious that “Men Going Their Own Way” think women are angry about that. We don’t fucking care. Go. Go away.

If there is nothing else I believe to be true in the world, I believe Kanye is the sort of man with a signature floral arrangement.

A folding table outside her garage? Did T Swift have a garage sale and I missed it?

What an asshole this Starver prick is. He actually threatened to sue a school for being too secular, but tried to have “witchcraft” recognized as a religion so kids wouldn’t be rewarded for reading Harry Potter.

Witch meat.

Larval form of an invasive species.

In every other aspect of life she’s a great person/friend. But gosh, I need to have a cheese intervention with her.

In her defense, she did point me to some beautious grass-fed cheddar at our local hippie market. Drooooooool...

You are the worst and ruin everything that is good and holy.

I don’t even know what cottage cheese is but it’s not delicious cheese and my friend insists on putting it in her lasagna (with cheddar too). I just can’t.

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