
I am also torn on this. I feel like posting the lyrics to a song — even a violent song — should not be an arrest-worthy offense. And then this kid (and/or his dad) have to go make everything complicated by having a stockpile of weapons in a subfloor. What the hell, universe. Work with me.

I was going to say something like Eminem’s lyrics are terrible but posting them doesn’t necessarily mean anything... and then they go and find the terror equipment hidden in the house, and I don’t know what to think anymore.

and camo hoodies for when the ride the ATV together w/ her hanging on tight behind

Gimme all those rings!

I wondered what the guy who married Frumplestiltskin would look like.

It’s really gross. I get launching a career through a relationship (these are “famous” people, after all), but does it have to be so Jared Fogle-y?

i kan see it koming

They had to wait for her to be 18 so nobody would get arrested.

I wish the expression “any publicity is good publicity” would retreat to its fortune cookie. That may have been the case before social media but now it seems like overKill.

porn kareer?

she has Mommy Lucifer reincarnate

she’s currently 23, they were together for three years

Maybe Kylie needed someone over 21 to sign the lease papers?

Or the 1.4% of Asian men in sexy attire. That number is so low, that I would consider it to effectively be none

I’m not defending these kids, but if their order got messed up and they’d been having a bad day, I can see how they’d be mad. Like, maybe their fries were too crispy and one of them is allergic to crunchy? I don’t think everyone needs to be jumping down their throats just because they made a mistake once. I once

No, no, that is a very practiced, smug, “sticking to my convictions” look. That’s the one she perfected in the mirror that conveys, “Jesus is coming for you sinners with his super soaker filled with the holy spirit.”

And what happens when roles calling for non-sexualized characters of color DO crop up?

30.6 for latinas, 27.5 for white women, 29 for black women. i’m no statistician, but it’s the roughly 3 percent difference enough of a deviation to be statistically significant? i don’t think a 3 percent difference really makes it particularly “grim” any more than it is for white women actors. i appreciate wanting to

I’m LITERALLY a baby

I loved Invader Zim when it came out when I was around 13, but by 16-17 it had become so Hot Topic I couldn’t really get into it anymore. Childhood, where art thou :(