
“Of course, as this story points out, listening with one’s eyes goes both ways. The next time you’re prepping dinner while your child tells you a long, winding story about the level they’re on in their favorite video game, take a moment to pause and listen with your eyes. “

Brilliantly executed Master Chess move by CK. NFL just proved CK’s point.

So what you’re saying is that the venue didn’t matter for NFL Scouts and that a field is a field?

If you can’t even get your campaign to the first primary without it imploding from mismanagement, you can’t win a general election (or run a country).

There’s part of me that wishes I was living in the timeline when Moe Szyslak was running for President.

Her ‘9-5' school day idea is what convinced me to not vote for her.  We should be moving away from the idea that school is a daycare, not towards it.

Because she’s nowhere near as progressive as she’s pretending to be

Because white news reporters are literally color blind but have extra fine perception for beige scale.

They believed in you and it really speaks to what they saw in you. Look at you now. You have a whole lot of people that are so thankful for you. Keep writing truth to power and we will continue to read, learn, and grow. 

Some folks didn’t want to leave the plantation as much as they wanted to stay and rule over it. 

I wonder how many times he wrote that comment in Sharpie before posting it...

The real Billy Bass does “Take Me to the River.” no joke. 

Game Pass is the best thing to happen to video games in ten years.

Yeah, I mean the thing is up until recently the hate was deserved. Turns out when you give people good games, and easy ways to play games they may have missed, people respond to that. Game Pass continues to be one of the best deals in gaming period, just from what they’ve announced there are more games I want to play

Now playing

I’m not joking! THIS is one of the most imported games in years!

If it pays, it’s a job.

29 going on developmentally delayed.

I can’t think of any “physical athleticsthat would ban someone for life on a first offense. Look at professional sports. You can use peds, beat your girlfriend, go to jail for dogfighting, etc. and still not be banned for life. I definitely think he should have been banned, but a lifetime ban for a first offence

Are you saying it’s ok to kill white kids? Admit it.

More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters