
Kamala Harris “strongest policy wise” LOL

the conservative form of racism isn’t benevolent. 

yeah, felonies and  fornight are definitely comparable. 

ok boomer

how jealous are you that you’re not a streamer, though?

this is the first correct take I’ve seen so far.

most people when they get fired are able to get another job in the same field, though

it’s because people (largely through jealousy) want to contend that what this kid does for a living is not a career, and therefore he deserves whatever happens to him because he should have to have a “real” job like the rest of us.

if you’re making shit up about what happened, why not just go all the way and claim he murdered someone or something

i absolutely despise all of you people trying to act like 17 year olds don’t make stupid decisions, and that we should all face lifetime punishment for the dumb shit we did as a teen. 

whoa whoa whoa

yeah, no.

really? this 17 year old kid spent years denying the allegations and cheating the testing system?

lol how old are you that you think people still get kicked out of college without warning for plagiarism

you realize he’s 17, right?

how insanely jealous are you of these kids, though?

you’re right if you meant the exact opposite

boomerism is a state of mind

there are quite a few things different, actually

it must be nice to have never done anything stupid or wrong as a teenager, enabling you to be this fucking high and mighty right now