
My exact thoughts, keep in mind I never said taht Pretty Hate Machine is bad in the slightest, it is good indeed, even pretty good, but its age shows, which is something you cannot say for other albums, every other album from NIN dated seemingly.

I am so sorry, I knew this is not a best opinion to have. It's the album that has "That's What I Get"..I really really do not like that track, it's probably the only song from NIN which I think is just kinda bad. Overall album is good but when compared to the rest of the discography I can't put any other album under

I think his "worst" would still not be "Bad" as I would personally consider it to be The Pretty Hate Machine. Compared to the rest it seems simple, most tracks on there to me are forgettable, it stiill has some amazing tracks, but as an entire album I would name it my least favorite.

I'd say The Slip has much more variety than With_Teeth, its vocals maybe are weak but other than that it's really good in my opinion, the hatred With_Teeth has recieved is unwarranted though, its hate comes from the massive wait that took place after The Fragile.

I thought Hesitation Mark was the best Post-Fragile NIN release. It seems like Not The Actual Events has beaten it in my books.